Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Tuesday 02.11.10


Hello...... If you are still out there checking here for posts, I'm here!!

I am very sorry that I have been MIA - it has been one of those months. I have been putting very little thought into what I have been wearing lately and I have fallen into the mummy wardrobe category! There is nothing wrong with it (it is not yoga pants and a hoodie) but it is so not me! I have been feeling a bit crappy about it (and my teenage skin and bad hair) so therefore have not blogged which in return makes me take even less care over what I am wearing! It is a vicious circle I tell you!

But, I have given myself a shake - and helped myself to some new bits and pieces from the shop and I feel better about stuff!

Today's look is:

Leggings - Blendshe @ i am.....
Slip - Vila
Tunic - New Look
Cardigan - Vila @ i am.....
Boots - Target

Life has been busy lately, Baby Orla turned 6 months last week! Can you believe it?? We have been going to a local playgroup on a Thursday and last week they had a Halloween party and my clever girl won pass the parcel (she did have a little help).

I thought I would post a picture of her in her costume - this was taken on Sunday after we had carved our pumpkin!



Marie said...

LOVE the costume and I need mummy outfit inspiration so post away on that please....
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

Jane said...

You look GREAT BG! And little Miss O is too cute for words! Those eyes! :)

Lisa said...

How cute! I didn't realize you guys in England celebrated Haloween too. Do you guys go trick or treating too?

Boutique Girl said...

Thank you all for the lovely comments!

Lisa - yes we celebrate Halloween here too and the kids do all go out Trick or treating! But in my area they have to go in to the houses and preform a song or ryhme or joke etc before getting the treats!

Kyla said...

Oh my goodness! She is tooooo cute!!!!

Sarah said...

What a cutie you have!!

Classroom Chic