Why do holidays go so, so fast??
The break was excellent, very needed and totally enjoyed. We did almost nothing. Sat in the sun a bit, read a lot, shopped a bit (quite a bit!!), ate a lot (weight watchers here I come), slept a lot (it was very needed for me and the bf) and we did some DIY and running repairs to the house.
But, today it is back to business as usual. I have had a busy morning answering emails, paying bills, re-stocking and clearing up the shop. I did not have many customers this morning (which was just as well as I made a huge mess getting things sorted out) but this afternoon has been better and it kind of feels good to be back in the swing of things.
I am feeling very positive about the shop and life in general. My main concern at the moment is getting organised for Christmas of the very tight budget that I have. Oh and keeping my little sun tan for as long as possible (it is helping with the positive feeling).
Today's outfit is:
Skinny jeans - Vila
White long sleeved t-shirt - Forever 21
Grey hooded cardigan - American Eagle (new)
Boots - Ugg
Welcome back! Glad to read you had a good holiday!
Welcome back - glad you had a great time.
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