Today is my half day - Yay! hence the super casual outfit for work, when I finish at 12.30 I have to go to the Post Office (with eBay sales) then to the supermarket and then I have an afternoon of household chores. I am all up to date with the washing, but I have the biggest ever ironing pile to get through! If i get the ironing done quickly then I plan to tackle my wardrobe.
It badly needs cleaning out and re-organising. There is just so much stuff that I do not wear and have not worn is such a long time and it is all taking up valuable hanging space.
My plan is to then sell on what I can on eBay and any money that I make I am going to turn into Dollars for our trip to Orlando!
I have a fantastic weekend, it was very quiet and I feel nice and relaxed. We stayed in on Saturday night and caught up with all of the things that we had saved on Sky +. We then got up early(ish) on Sunday had some breakfast and then headed to Ikea and Costco! We did very well we had 2 lists (one for each store) and we stuck to them and our budgets. After the Ikea trip or little living room/den is now totally finished and so cosy and nice to sit in. We use Costco to buy our large and expensive items, we can buy in bulk and store in the garage. We have been doing this for a year now and find that it does really help keep the costs of the weekly supermarket shop down!
Today's outfit is:
Skinny jeans - Vila
White t-shirt with silver stripe - Gap
Ugg boots - Ugg